I know I have been neglectful of this page, but I've had little time to devote to it.
After my last Post, KM called and apologized profusely. She had some sort of breakdown from a previous relationship that she apparently isn't over yet.
We had a long discussion about it and I was cool about just taking it slow and her to contact with me. She was also in the middle of a job hunt at the time and things went along well. We never had a chance to have another date, but we talked on the phone a bit.
Then things went silent. She was stolen by another job and trying to make it work and haven't heard from her since. There were no replies for the past couple of weeks.
It's a pity, I was getting to be rather fond of her, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.
GD was interesting for about....3 emails. I was thinking of actually giving her a call when I realized a week or so has passed without a reply to my email. Well, I don't think our emails were particularly amazing, and perhaps I WAS a bit prejudiced against what she did, but I didn't see it as a great loss.
Annoying, but whatever. BYE!
I saw an ad on CL that caught my eye and I REALLY wanted a response from (VIC). I spent a total of about 5 hours throughout the day writing, rewriting, condensing, expanding, etc.
Yes. 5 hours. We came from the same basic background and said quite a few things that touched me. Thank god for my G1 Phone where I can readily edit and save my drafts. After all that I was about to hit "send" when I realized I didn't include a picture.
I'm not a picture person. My photos always suck. The latest that I had was of me in New York a few months ago (the previous picture being a VERY unflattering 9 months ago) and sent it on its way.
I got a "WOW!" and it was a lengthy response. Good sign. I got excited as she raved over my letter, but one sentence buried in the 2nd paragraph stopped me cold: "...I was impressed what you wrote not liking the pic but whatever."
Now I think I'm totally over thinking this. Did she LIKE the fact I was hating my own pic, or was she mentioning that she didn't like the pic? I haven't responded yet (planning on monday), to think this over. Besides, I can play it off as a busy weekend (true).
Vowing not to just put all my eggs in one basket, I put out another ad in case this totally collapses. I put an ad that I would hope catch a woman with my basic sexual tastes.
Almost immediately, I got a nibble. we started off great, she was a very attracted girl, but seems like the feeling wasn't mutual.
Does anyone find it extremely ironic that I can easily pick up people and talk them into an orgy, but I have problems just getting one to join me for a simple dinner?
I've said it before, but Dating sucks.
My position on ... positions
5 years ago