Just got my hotdog, IF is next to me holding a couple of big beers and I have a slight buzz.
To make it even better, a couple of sexy ladies and I were chatting up a bit and things seemed quite promising.
VERY promising.
A loud annoying noise seems to come through the intercom.
I ignore it and the game is about to start and a possible 3some afterward seemed to be hanging in the air.
The noise came again.
I pried open my eyes and realized it was all a dream and reached for the annoying noise which was coming from my phone.
"Hey Dad."
I mumble something in return.
"Asleep? It's almost noon!"
"I work nights, dear. Remember? How much do you want this time?" I do a mental check of my bank account and hoping she has some mercy.
"Daaaaad, who is
"Who?" I start to wake up..the name sounded familiar...but not quite right.
"Oh...that must be FF."
"She said something about being your girlfriend."
"Yes. She is. What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Never known you to have a girlfriend that you introduced to me before on facebook. By the way, how did she know where to look? You're not on facebook."
I weave a story of mystery of how she told me the name of the book and happen to mention it to her.
"I see." I can feel lazer beams coming out at me. "Did you meet HER kids yet?"
"Yes, I did."
"Well, it was interesting. Didn't know if they were okay with me and haven't met them again."
"Just so you know, it's kinda' tough seeing your parents date for the first time."
I was stunned at this, considering I have been single for almost her entire life...
We went on like this for a bit, talking on how her friend's parents were divorced and the ensuing dating issues that came up. I paraded quite a few women in front of her, but usually I was in a "serious" relationship at the time. Nothing TOO scandalous.
"You okay with all this?" I finally got around to asking.
"Dad. You've dated more women than quite a few people I've known and those are jut the ones I know about! You've never discussed your dating or sex life with me, and for that, I'm eternally grateful."
That wasn't so hard!
"Then we're good?"
"Sure are Dad. One thing, though."
"Since you mentioned she just got divorced, do you think she's ready?"
That's what I love about my kiddo. No filter.
"Not sure yet." I didn't mention my other concerns yet, "Is that it?"
"If you still want to send me money, I'm good with that too."
"I love you, bye."
"Bye dad."
Hopefully she won't spoil my chances, believe it or not, she blocked me once. But that's another story for another time.