Tuesday, January 26, 2010

When Insecurities interfere....

I think it's time for a bit of an update:

FF and I have been dating semi-regularly,  but only once a week or so.  My work and her obligations make our dating life a bit sedate of sorts, but we do manage to get in some smooching sessions going on, though.

There has been a pattern over the past month that has gotten to me.   I know this is way to early for us to stress out about, but she seems to be torn as to where to live.   I love the city and all the opportunities that can be found here.  She seems to be mired into living in one of the outlying southern communities.

While I understand the logic behind what she wants, she seems overly concerned at this stage of our relationship.  So much so, that we had "broken up" right after New Years.

The "Break up" consisted of her dating other guys.  Something I had suggested to her awhile ago. 

Her insecurity about me is starting to get to the point of annoyance everytime she brings it up.  
After our last meeting, she texted me the following...out of the blue:

"I don't want to lose you."
"Want me to attach a GPS on my ankle??"
"No. I'm afraid to lose you if you find someone better, but I'm not sure I'm  ready to let you go if you do."

I roll my eyes, almost causing me to have an accident on an empty freeway.

Tossing my phone over my shoulder into the backseat, I continue driving home...


  1. Women are needy some times and like to worry about things that shouldn't concern them - as me how I know ;)

  2. Ahhh...
    You knew there would be baggage especially her coming out of a marriage recently. I hope its going better now a days. Good to finally see an update from you!!! Miss ya!

  3. crazy crazy.. this shit will be filled with drama..she telling you yes, no all at once. arrrghh.frustrating uh?nice place you got here.

  4. come back ! i want to know about you getting laid ! your descriptions are so vivid and detailed, i love it !
