Saturday, May 9, 2009

Returning with ghosts...

I was out and about working and doing the idiot things that I do, when my phone buzzed, I looked down and this is basically a Text conversation that covered TWELVE hours:
Hey Guy-you doing okay? --KM
AW SHIT! I pondered for several minutes as to what to do. SOOOOO...I did the only thing my simple male mind could think of:
Me: how are you? Doing fine, actually.
KM: Good
KM: How's your love life?
Me: Nonexistent, really. Had a few nibbles but nothing appealing.
KM: :-(
Me: Found someone you're attached to? I was missing you.
STUPID! STUPID! Why did I say that?? probably because it's true.
KM: Well, lots of soul searching. Robert comes home Thursday for three weeks. I am trying to get to where I don't need to see him. Honestly, I have thought of you almost every day. I wasn't being fair having someone else in my heart. That is not the type of relationship I want.
Me: I figured that was the issue, for the most part.
KM: Yep.
We talked a bit more about some of her relationships deal with the other guy, and I got a bit peeved and was wondering WHY she was texting:
Me: So, the reasoning of this texting is for you to reaffirm that?
KM: Must you be so hard? I was opening the line of communication.
Me: Sorry if it came out that way. I really liked you, but you put up a number of reasons why we can't be together, and while I would love to date you again, I have to be cynical. Particularly since you said we could still be friends after THE TALK.
KM: You know what? You didn't try to contact me, either so don't give me that bullshit. I should have known better.
Me: Actually, you said you'd let me know after you left. I am not going to harass a girl who wants space. You know that's how I am. I drive by your place all the time and refrain from putting a I miss you note on your car window, so you don't feel like you have STALKER. On your hands.
KM: That would have been very sweet.  <What? REALLY??>
Me: What you might consider sweet, another would see as. A stalker. See my point. I do miss you though.
KM: I would never put you in the stalker category.
Me: And how am I supposed to know that? You want space, I give it to you. We men are stupid with signals, remember? You have to hit us over the head.
KM: I still don't know what I want or need. I work entirely too much to think about myself. I do know that I miss you. That has to count for something, right?
Me: Yes it does, I am open to quite a few things in life, but I can't compete with a ghost.
Which is true. Until she can get the other guy out of her head, there is no point of even really having this discussion and it irritated me. The entire conversation was starting to get on my nerves.
KM: I'm sorry to have bothered you.
Me: You're not bothering me, I just like to know where I stand with you. You say you want to open a line, but I don't understand to what end. I would love for you to come back to me, though.

Once again, I realize some of the stupid shit I'm saying. Do I really want her back?
KM: Would you?
Me: Yes, but you had issues about me though.
KM: Yes, but you said you could adjust
The question, could I? Would I be willing to give up my hobby?
KM: So.....I am at Work. Would love for you to come give me a hug.
Me: I'm sweaty at the moment.
Truth is, I didn't want to cave in and drive there. I wanted to be logical about the whole thing.
KM: I really miss you.
Me: I miss you too, and I think about our smooching sessions.
KM: Same here. I just don't know where to go from here. It still scares me.
Me: What? The smooching scares you?
KM: No. I was falling for you.
Me: I was digging you too...but again, there has to be quite a bit to talk about. Remember, there were some issues with me that you didn't seem very fond of.
KM: I know. But you seemed to want to work with me.
Me: I do, but we need extended time together.
KM: I can give you that. Well, if you are willing to date a workaholic.
Me: Duh! Ms. Pot? I'm Mr. Black. Pleasure to meet you.
KM: I know.
Me: Calling it a night.
KM: Continue this later?
Me: Sure, if you want.
KM: Goodnight.
That was this past Sunday. We continued to talk a bit later, after we both couldn't sleep and touched upon something that was not resolved earlier in the day.
I asked her about Robert, and finally said, unless she wants us in a threesome, she needs to resolve this.
While I meant to say it in a joking way, she never responded back.

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