Monday, January 26, 2009


Sitting in the hotel room by myself allows me to mentally prepare for the evening. KM is on the way after a quick shower and shave brief convo:
"You have to remember, I'm a girly girl."
"Well, don't sweat about shaving your legs,we can have romantic cricket sounds as we lay together."
The giggling betrayed the mock anger she had.
"Jerk. I'll be there in about 30 minutes."

It wasn't much of a hotel, but it was handy.
Just as I was about to semi-doze in a blissfully quiet moment; the phone rang.
"Hey sexy."
"Well, hi there! You haven't called me that in a long time!"
ANDI!  My mind snapped awake.
"Nah, I have about 20 minutes." Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! I thought she was gone!
She went on about her life and her schedule and then blamed the latest neglect of calling due to her not feeling well.  I barely got in a word in edgewise."
Blah.Blah. Blah.
"Did you think of our last texts and conversations?" As I finally interrupted with the edge on my voice that I hope conveyed my annoyance.
That stopped her cold for about 30 seconds.
"Yes. Quite a bit actually.  I told my mom and some girlfriends about it.  Mom basically was disappointed in me. She and the girls liked you. They don't like my current boyfriend."
I had fans?  Who knew?
Once again, she apologized and said she'd make it better.
"You DO realize that *I* am not calling anymore.  You're the one that needs to make an effort."
"I know."  her voice was quieter now.
We continued with some pleasantries for a bit longer until I heard the knock on the door.
"Gotta go, bye!"
"Can I Ca-"

I open the door and was greeted by one of the warmest hugs I have had in a long while.


  1. Well I need to know what happened after the hug...????

  2. This is going to sound cold, but I'm glad you hung up so quickly with her. She needs a small dose of her own medicine.

    And, yes, we need "after the hug" information, Sugar!

  3. Aurore: there you go! I struggled to find the time and a way to write it up.

    SV: Very much needed her own medicine. She knows I have little patience for her and as of that night, she hasn't called yet. Not that I'm really complaining. The danger is that she's KM's biggest competitor.
